You are not alone.

Ellen Caroline Valvassori

I believe EVERYone feels lonely any time in life.And nobody likes to be lonely. That's why we have friends, and family.
I'm sure I have good friends whom I can trust. But I cannot expect toomuch from them.No matter how much you trust your friends, how good they are,I'm sure I can say they can fail you, just because every human can fail.But there is one who will never fail, that one is God.In Hebrews 13:5 He says "Never will I forsake you, never will I leave you." Some of us are blessed with friends whom we can trust till death, whom we can tell 99.9% of our things, but even the best friends on earth canfail, because people are limited, they can't be with you as God can bewith you. People come and go, people can't always be there right whenyou need, and when they can, they can't always give the right answer,the right advice, or the right feeling of comfort you were expecting for.But God, who is the truth, said "I will never leave you, I will never forsakeyou." It is true that God can show His love to us through people, and He does that! It is true that, through people, we can see that He cares for us.He USES other people to bless us! Sometimes you need a hug, and Godputs someone on your way just to hug you! Sometimes you need someoneto hear you, and God uses a friend of yours to hear you, to understand you,and to give you the right advice!
BUT, sometimes He doesn't! He does the opposite! He allows everyone youneed to get out of your way just when you need the most, and when youare with your friends, they feel like a pain relief but they don't have anysolution for your feeling of lonelyness. When you're with them you distractyourself, you entertain yourself, you forget your problems and have a lotof fun, and that's great! BUT, when you are not with them, you feel alone,not in the sense of being on your own, which you obviously are, but in the sense of being lonely. Then you feel bored to death, because there'sno one to have fun with. Sometimes God allows that to happen. He allows us to realize that we arealone, because He wants us to look at Him. He wants us to talk to Him,He wants us to be His friends, He wants us to have a personal relationshipwith Him. Because sometimes we get addicted to people, we forget to search for help directly from the source, that is God. We know who God is,we believe He can help us, but we lose the most important, the relationship,the friendship with Him. One thing is to know God as your savior. Another
thing is to know Him as your friend. And that's what He wants from us,
our friendship. God wants us to have a life of prayer. He wants to talk to us, He wants to spend time with us, He wants to be our friend. It is great to spend time with our friends, and thank God for the friendswe have! But, if everytime you're alone, you talk to Jesus, you will never be
alone. If everytime we are alone, we talk to Him, we praise his name, we
worship Him, we thank Him, we try to listen to his voice, we just spend time
with Him, and BE with Him, we will never be alone.

It's so much easier to cry to a friend who will go like "Oh, don't cry, everything will
be all right. Don't cry!" But your friends cannot heal your wounds, and Jesus can!
Your friends cannot restore your spirit, and Jesus can, Jesus can change everything.
because He is the one who can do the miracles your need in your life.

And many times your friends don't even want to hear you crying! Many times not
even your mom or dad, or your spouse can stand your pain, because people have
their own problems! People are limited! But Gof is not!
Isaiah 58:9 says "Then you will call, and and the Lord will answer. You will cry, and
He will say, 'Here I am'."
Jeremiah 29:12 "Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will
listen to you".
Of course God prepares people and moments for people to help you, but we NEED
to have God as our friend and our main source of help.
In John 14:16-17 Jesus says "Then I will ask My Father and He will give you another Helper. He will be with you
forever. He is the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot receive Him. It does not see Him
or know Him. You know Him because He lives with you and will be in you.."


Anônimo disse…
Oi pastor. Obrigada por publicar meu primeiro sermao para os jovens no seu blog! A imagem caiu perfeitamente! Um abraco e MUITAS SAUDADES!!! beijo na Adriane e nas criancas!

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